


What Are Chatbots

ChatBots are software applications that are configured to send messages to users in a conversational manner, just like a live chat widget. They act like digital representatives and are designed to interact with your site visitors, even when it’s 1am in the morning!

They can help with a variety of enquiries that your customers might need. It could be pointing them to the correct product, getting basic info about their enquiry for your sales team, or taking a reservation or appointment. You can build your list by effortlessly collecting information and getting vital approval to communicate with site visitors later.

With a clever AI-driven software there is no end to what you can get a ChatBot to do for you. No two ChatBots are the same because everybody has somewhat different requirements.

A ChatBot is the definition of true 24/7 customer care, and even sales person, because it can imitate a live person on your site.  Interacting with unlimited visitors to your website, working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year! ChatBots never stop.

While you may think that every conversation with a site visitor is different, the reality is that there are many similar components and that's enough to construct a conversation which covers the majority of situations. It might seem like a daunting and almost impossible task for you. Fortunately, we have an experienced team and a developed set of ChatBot best practices, so actual conversation development becomes a breeze for you.

Book a free consultation so we can show you how a bespoke ChatBot can increase your conversions, and help your team handle website enquiries more effectively!

About Us

We're the specialist ChatBot division of Smarketing Lab. Our ChatBot division is 100% focused on developing and establishing new ChatBots for sites in any industry. We work with you to understand what your website needs, and your assigned manager will then construct a bespoke ChatBot to fulfill your requirements.

ChatBots are not the only marketing service we provide for our customers, because we believe in a united approach to sales and marketing. If you are interested to learn about the latest step in our evolution, visit

Our ChatBot division specialises in:

1. Developing ChatBots for different industries

2. Composing ChatBot content that converts

3. Designing ChatBots that are extremely interesting and fun for the user

We have a dedicated knowledgeable ChatBot and AI team which will work with you to determine the very best course of action for your unique needs - vital to guarantee you can focus on closing warm leads.

Imagine if every conversation you have is with a lead that has been pre-qualified and "primed" for the next step.

Imagine never again having to answer basic questions like what are your opening hours or taking bookings over the phone/email.

That's the new quality of business communication which a ChatBot can offer you and your customers.

Chat Stats

  • Mark Zuckerberg revealed ChatBots will be the secret to Facebook's success over the next TEN YEARS.
  • Billion dollar companies like Amtrak are already using ChatBots to get ROIs of 800% or more.
  • Chatbots are the fastest-growing brand communication channel, and the chatbot market size has increased by 92% over the last couple of years.
  • By next year, the average person will have more chats with ChatBots than with their spouse!
  • Gartner predicts that ChatBots will power 85 percent of all customer service interactions by the year 2025
  • 48% of consumers would rather connect with a company via live chat than any other means of contact.
  • 57% of consumers are interested in ChatBots for their instantaneous action.
  • 35% of consumers want to see more companies using ChatBots.
  • 55% of consumers are interested in interacting with a business using messaging apps to solve a problem.
  • 95% of consumers believe 'customer service' is going to be the major beneficiary of ChatBots.

Contact Us

Company Name

Smarketing Lab Ltd


PO Box 2889,
Wellington , New Zealand 6140


+64 4 977 7877
